

If you decide to return something, please ensure it’s in perfect condition. This means it must be clean (no deodorant, perfume or make-up stains), unused, unwashed and with the original tags attached. Any items that are returned in a non-sellable condition will not be accepted and will be sent back to you. This excludes faulty items.



To make a return to our warehouse, follow these easy steps:

  1. Pack all the items you wish to return – ideally into the original parcel provided.
  2. Please fill out the return form and include it in the parcel.
  3. Contact us with on an e-mail to [email protected] to receive return labels, which we send to you by e-mail.
  4. Attach the prepaid return label to your parcel.
  5. Return the parcel using the postal service shown in the top right corner of the return label. Please be aware that we only provide one return label pr. order.

Remember to ask for proof of purchase from the postal service, to keep a record that the parcel was sent to us.

Our returns address is:

Your part is done! We will contact you once your parcel has been received and again once your refund has been made.



To make a return in one of our stores, follow these easy steps:

  1. To find your nearest store, please click here. Please note that returns cannot be made in our concession stores-
  2. Once you’re in one of our stores, please present your order confirmation and the items you wish to return. The order confirmation can be the paper invoice you received in your parcel, or you can show the email that you received when you made your order on your phone. 

If you don’t have your order confirmation, please contact our Customer Care team, and they will be able to help you. If you have made multiple orders and want to return items from them at one time; that is completely fine. Simply present the order confirmations of the orders you want to return.



To exchange for a different size, please place a new order with the correct size.

Your item was added to basket

You are ordering more than we have in stock. The quantity have been adjusted